Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Homemake pudding mooncake

3/10 is the Midautumn Festival(中秋节)
I make a pudding mooncake myself o.
he he.
It is honeydew flavour.
My family said it was very delicious.

Look this is the homemake mooncake i make.


Monday, September 21, 2009

First day of Hari Raya

Today is the first day of Hari Raya.
I had go to hanim's house n phoebe's house today.
After going to tuition, I go to hanim house.
It is 1 p.m.
There are many goats in Hanim's house.
Actually I already saw the goat last year
during the Hari Raya in Hanim's house.
But some goats already old.(have moustache)
I meet many friends in band de.

Then, I go back home.
At 6 p.m.
After we take my brother, we go to phoebe's house.
I meet my friends at there.
Both of them have open house.
Their house decorated with many beutiful items.
There were many delicious n tradisional food.
Rendang, kari, cake, noodles......
So many!!
I ate much in their house.
I want to fat liao.
I had so many fun.
Wat a wonderfull day. =)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wat a Boooooring day!!!

Wat a boring day today.
My brother go to nipat camp already.
Becoz i'm Form 3 student.
One day seems like a year.
I have to spend the day along.
It is very lonely.
I wish i can go to nipat camp and nonami camp.
To idle away the boring time/day.
Although it was very tired, i also want to go.
It was great to stay at the school than my house.
Coz there have many frienx.
So long time i did not got to band activities.

I need to study hard for my exam.
To obtain a good result.
I don like my last PMR trial1 result.
I need to work hard.
Jia You everyone & me.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Count Down to PMR

So fast!! Left twenty more days to PMR.

Time flows away fast than I thought.

Woo Hoo!!Tomolo is holidays. I can rest at home.

These two days lets me become tired becoz had to face PMR Trial 2 exam.

Hari Raya is coming.

I can go to my frenz's house and eat a lot of Malays foods.

But the happy days is no longer coz I had to do revision.

After holidays, I had to face my exam again.

I need to "gambateh" to chase up everyone.

Wish all the students get a good result.

Go!Go!Go! Jia You to everyone who face PMR,SPM & STPM exam.

N of course to students who face end-of-term examination.


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