Monday, August 12, 2013

Raya Breaks #5

110813 Sunday

Marriott Hotel 的蛋糕!
晚上8点过后,Marriott Hotel 的 Danish pastry burger sandwich 一律半价!

Walnut Baked Cheese Cake, Chocolate Brownies, Blueberry Baked Cheese Cake, Chocolate Moist, Carrot Cheese cake, Plain Baked Cheese Cake, Biscuit slice cheese Cake, Chocolate cheese brownies.
真的是一级棒!!! 很值得哦~
这些小的才RM 2.15 

Cheese 很浓,真材实料!值回"糕”价哦~

甜点美食要与姐妹分享哦~ 很棒!

大爱!<3 font="">
zi pai <3 td="">

过后,我们去看Wolverine! 晚上10.45pm 到凌晨1am
Midnight movie~ <3 font="">
Wolverine 很好看!不会看了想睡觉。很刺激。
With Sher~ <3 td="">
 ps: This might be the last time I went out with her this year as she going to further her studies at KL soon! Hwaiting for your further studies! Gonna miss you and meet you soon, maybe. :))

一级棒!芝司蛋糕+巧克力低with walnut <3 br="">ps; kiwi 被我偷吃了:p
miss ya~

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Raya Breaks #4

Raining day

Early morning, i went to gotong-royong at school library. 
Then, i went to kiki's house for taking siew hee's exam paper. lol.. he kinda forgetful to bring his paper for me all the time. so, i decide to take it myself. 
Then, i play whole morning at her house. lol.. we decide to eat marudi ice-cream at 86 cafe. hiak hiak. 
I know it's kinda crazy that ate ice-cream at super cold raining day. but who's care? blekkk!

Yum yum~
It looks nice and delicious yo~ it's very cheap!
If only ice-cream, costs rm2.50
If ice-cream + abc, costs rm4.50

Random photo taking~ haha.. 



Someone invite me to her house and wath conjuring again!
are you kidding me?
seriouslty, this girl first time watch conjuring and scare till cry. Yet, she tell me that she want watch again!
OMG! seriously???
The reason why she want watch again is...
She feel sad that she didnt manage to watch finish on that movie day. lol.... 
(she closed her eyes at the parts behind)

Ok, so i went to her house this morning and accompany her to watch finish. Finally~ haha..
She proud at herself that she watch finish lw. xP

Then, she suddenly say let's go Share Tea again! lol.. again?!!
OMG! twice in a week! 
I try the new flavour, 奶盖起司可可
not bad but still 腻 
too 浓了
she order 抹茶红豆奶绿
she madly in love on it! coz it taste slightly like green tea latter as she love green tea latte so much! lol..

ok, random photo taking again. haha...

take 1

take 2

Lol~ after I sent her back home, straight I went to tuition.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Raya Breaks #3


watched R.I.P.D 
(Rest in Peace Department)
with him, zekay. 
A funny movie. haha.. kinda like ''men in black''

After that, we went to hielo!
He owes me for a long time ago~

Actually I order peach flavour but dont know why they give us both original flavour.
It still taste nice~ sweet and sour. 

Again, after hielo we went to T4. 
Personal think that T4 is way nicer than ShareTea in someway.
Dabao ''France Pudding Milk Tea''
My fav ♥

I'm driver of the day~ lol.. 
First time, he sat my car. haha..

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Raya Breaks #2

070813 Wednesday
The Conjuring! 
With birdy, big head prawn and his cousin, Qi Zheng. :))
Nice ghost movie! 
For those ghost movie lover, this is a MUST watch movie!
The director is James Wan, 温子仁 , a Malaysian.*proud*
The director of SAW  series, the disgusting evil movies!
I love the storyline. 
Start from annabelle, the spooky doll till another story about demon possession.
The moment  you think you'll get shock such as when the girl look under her bed and you will think is there any ghost come out but don't have.. haha... gekdao
nervous part is right behind that scene! lol...
kinda scary that their mom that had been demon possession!
Her face looks scary with the blood that she vomits out when the white cloth koyak.
 One of the part when the doll, annabelle sat on the goyang chair and someone comb her hair! very nervous when the lil girl keep knocking the door for help and before that the door been knock and thought that 'it' gonna break the door and kill that girl. lol...
The most scariest part is the girl who 梦游wake up silently and look at her sister who open the closet that knocking without reason. The ghost suddenly appear and 扑倒 on her!
(I felt sorry to
 tiffany for brought her watch this movie when she had been scare and shock till cry when she saw this scene.)
She closed her eyes after that whenever dark scenes appear.

With birdy a.k.a Tiffany :)

With Big Head Prawn a.k.a Ilyas

With Qi Zheng

ps: Less taking photos with the boys. haha.. sry, took old pic from school concert . :p
waiting for insidious 2, from the same director. ;P

Monday, August 5, 2013

Raya Break #1

050813 Monday

Share Tea (歇脚亭)刚刚开张!在富丽华,Maybank 隔壁和麦子屋之间。
哇!美里又开多一间奶茶店!T4, Bo8 Tea, OT之味, EDEG, Ding Tea.... 
慢点又要开多一间 Ochado! 惨!
Twitter 有人说 “Miri from oil town become tea town." haha...
既然刚开张就要捧场一下,尤其是跟birdy. <-- font="">
Taro Pearl Milk Tea & Herb Jelly with Fresh Milk
我们都叫50%的糖,可是我的刚刚好,Fresh Milk 还是很甜。

过后,我们去载Tiffany的表妹, Sharon Loi.
什么脸?! 囧

去MYY Mall 的Ot之味
因为有Buy 1 Free 1 promotion. LOL.
不好喝!Too artificial... 

她们要去parkson吃sushi king! 

ps: 我说,Tiffany, 你驾车真的是要大大检讨一下!哈哈哈… 我说的,你不信,相信Sharon讲的拉~结果还要绕一大圈去MYY Mall。 LOL! :P 


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